本重点实验室2018年共计发表论文106篇,SCI 检索文章58篇,EI检索文章31篇,在SCI一区期刊《Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics》(IF:5.509)发表文章4篇,在二区期刊《OPTICS EXPRESS》,《Atmospheric Measurement Techniques》,《Science of the Total Environment》,《Atmospheric Measurement Techniques》,《Advances in Meteorology》,《Science of the Total Environment》上发表文章18篇,影响因子逐年提高。SCI/EI收录论文列表如下:
序号 |
收录情况 |
题目 |
作者 |
出版刊物全称 |
卷(期) |
起止页码 |
发表时间 |
1 |
SCI收录 |
Investigations of temporal and spatial distribution of precursors SO2 and NO2 vertical columns in the North China Plain using mobile DOAS |
Fengcheng Wu吴丰成, Pinhua Xie谢品华, Ang Li李昂, Fusheng Mou牟福生, Hao Chen陈浩, Yi Zhu朱毅, Tong Zhu朱彤, Jianguo Liu刘建国, and |
Atmospheric Chemistry &Physics |
18(2018) |
1535–1554, 2018 |
2018-2 |
2 |
SCI收录 |
Intercomparison of in situ
CRDS and CEAS for measurements of |
Zhiyan Li李治艳 , Renzhi Hu胡仁志 , Pinhua Xie谢品华 , Haichao Wang王海超 , Keding Lu 陆克定, Dan Wang王丹 |
Science of the Total Environment |
613–614 (2018) |
131–139 |
2018 |
3 |
SCI收录 |
Laser absorption
spectroscopy data processing method based on co-frequency |
唐七星,张玉钧,陈东 张恺,何莹,尤坤,刘国华,鲁一冰,范博强,余冬琪 |
26(4) |
4448-4458 |
2018-2-19 |
4 |
EI收录 |
FTIR光谱仪中傅里叶插值采样方法的研究 |
李妍,李胜,高闽光,徐亮,李相贤 |
红外与激光工程 |
47(1) |
0123001-1-6 |
2018-1 |
5 |
SCI收录 |
基于多波长透射光谱法的水体细菌微生物检测能力初步研究 |
喻慧娟,赵南京,甘婷婷,段静波,胡玉霞,刘建国,刘文清 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(1) |
‘1-7 |
2018-1 |
6 |
EI收录 |
基于多波长透射光谱的水体细菌生长阶段特征参数反演研究 |
胡玉霞,赵南京,甘婷婷,段静波,刘建国,刘文清 |
中国激光 |
45(2) |
0207023-(1-7) |
2018-2 |
7 |
SCI收录 |
On-line analysis of algae in water by discrete three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy |
Nanjing Zhao赵南京, Xiaoling Zhang张小玲, Gaofang Yin殷高方, Ruifang Yang杨瑞芳, Li Hu胡丽, Shuang Chen陈双, Jianguo Liu刘建国, Wenqing Liu刘文清 |
Optics Express |
26(6) |
A251-A259 |
2018-3 |
8 |
SCI收录 |
土壤有机污染物激光诱导荧光光谱检测方法研究进展 |
王翔,赵南京,俞志敏,孟德硕,肖雪,左兆陆,马明俊,杨瑞芳,刘建国 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(3) |
857-893 |
2018-3 |
9 |
SCI收录 |
Mapping Analysis of Heavy Metal Elements in Polluted Soils Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy |
Yanhong Gu谷艳红, Nanjing Zhao赵南京, Mingjun Ma马明俊, Deshuo Meng孟德硕, Yao Jia贾尧, Li Fang方丽, Jianguo Liu刘建国, Wenqing Liu刘文清 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(3) |
982-989 |
2018-3 |
10 |
SCI收录 |
Phytoplankton photosynthetic rate measurement using tunable pulsed light induced fluorescence kinetics |
殷高方,赵南京,石朝毅, n陈双, 覃志松,张小玲,杨瑞芳,甘婷婷,刘建国,刘文清 |
Optics Express |
26(6) |
A293-A300 |
2018-3 |
11 |
EI收录 |
水体细菌微生物多波长透射光谱定量分析归一化方法研究 |
胡玉霞,赵南京,甘婷婷,段静波,孟德硕,刘建国,刘文清 |
光学学报 |
38(4) |
0430001-(1-7) |
2018-4 |
12 |
SCI收录 |
Emissions of Airport Monitoring with Solar Occultation Flux-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer |
韩昕,李相贤,高闽光,童晶晶,魏秀丽,李胜,叶树彬,李妍 |
Journal of Spectroscopy |
2018 |
329-339 |
2018-4-19 |
13 |
基于太阳吸收光谱观测大气一氧化碳柱总量 |
徐兴伟 王薇 刘诚 单昌功 孙友文 胡启后田园 韩雪冰 杨维 |
光 谱 学 与 光 谱 分 析 |
38(5) |
1329-1334 |
2018-5 |
14 |
SCI收录 |
The influence of instrumental line shape degradation on NDACC gas retrievals: total column and profile |
孙友文,Mathias Palm,刘诚,弗兰克 哈桑,大卫 格里芬,克里斯汀 温齐儿,克里斯托弗 佩特里,王薇, Justus Notholt |
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques |
11 |
2879-2896 |
2018-5 |
15 |
Monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids over oceans from the East China |
胡启后,谢周青, 王兴明,康辉,张雨晴, 丁翔,张鹏飞 |
Science of the Total Environment |
640-641 |
284-292 |
2018-4 |
16 |
SCI收录 |
Ship-based MAX-DOAS measurements of tropospheric NO2, SO2, and HCHO distribution along the Yangtze River |
洪茜茜,刘诚,Ka Lok Chan, 胡启后,谢周青,刘浩然,司福祺,刘建国 |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., |
18 |
5931–5951 |
2018-4 |
17 |
SCI收录 |
Underdetermined blind separation of three-way fluorescence spectra of PAHs in water |
杨瑞芳, 赵南京, 肖雪,祝伟, 陈宇男,殷高方, 刘建国,刘文清 |
Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular |
199 |
80-85 |
2018-6 |
18 |
SCI收录 |
Spectral Features Analysis of Multi-Wavelength Transmission Spectra of Pathogenic Bacterial Microbes in Water |
甘婷婷,赵南京,胡玉霞,喻慧娟,段静波,刘建国,刘文清 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(5) |
1610-1619 |
2018-5 |
19 |
EI收录 |
基于荧光动力学参数的浮游植物有效光合反应中心浓度分析 |
陈双,殷高方,赵南京,甘婷婷,张小玲 |
光学学报 |
38(6) |
1630004-1-7 |
2018-6 |
20 |
EI收录 |
基于LIBS技术的水体重金属连续在线检测方法 |
贾尧,赵南京,刘文清,方丽,马明俊,孟德硕 |
中国激光 |
45(6) |
0611001-1-6 |
2018-6 |
21 |
SCI收录 |
Mercaptopropionic acid-capped Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots and Pb2+ as sensing system for rapid and sensitive room-temperature phosphorescence detection of sulfide in water |
甘婷婷,赵南京,殷高方,刘建国,刘文清 |
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry |
364 |
88-96 |
2018-6 |
22 |
SCI收录 |
Highly-sensitiveNO,NO2,andNH3 measurementswith anopen-multipasscellbasedonmid-infraredwavelength modulationpectroscopy |
Xiang Chen(陈祥)1,2, Chen-Guang Yang(杨晨光)1, Mai Hu(胡迈)1, Jian-Kang Shen(沈建康)3, Er-Chao Niu(牛二超)3, Zhen-Yu Xu(许振宇)1, Xue-Li Fan(范雪丽)1, Min Wei(魏敏)1,2, Lu Yao(姚路)1, 等 |
Chin.Phys.B |
Vol.27,No.4 |
040701-8 |
2018-4 |
23 |
EI收录 |
基于频分复用波长调制光谱的NO2及NH3浓度测量 |
陈祥,阚瑞峰,杨晨光,胡迈,姚路,范雪丽,等 |
光学学报 |
第38卷 第5期 |
05120047-7 |
2018-5 |
24 |
SCI收录 |
Design and Evaluation of an Aerosol Electrometer with Low Noise and a Wide Dynamic Range |
杨义新, 余同柱, 张礁石, 王文誉, 桂华侨, 杜朋, 刘建国 |
18(5) |
1614 |
2018-5 |
25 |
SCI收录 |
Research on the spectral
phase correction |
唐七星,张玉钧,陈东 张恺,何莹,尤坤,刘国华,鲁一冰,范博强,余冬琪 |
26(15) |
19328-19340 |
2018-7-23 |
29 |
EI收录 |
红外探测器的低噪声前置放大电路设计 |
江婷,李胜,高闽光,童晶晶,李妍 |
激光与红外 |
Vol.48,No.7 |
913-918 |
2018-7-20 |
31 |
SCI收录 |
微弱荧光信号高灵敏大动态范围检测技术及应用 |
董鸣,殷高方,赵南京,覃志松,赵山,马明俊,肖雪 |
量子电子学报 |
35(4) |
395-401 |
2018-7 |
32 |
SCI收录 |
Development of an incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for in situ measurements of HONO and NO2 |
Jun Duan段俊.Min Qin秦敏.Bin Ouyang欧阳彬.Wu Fang方武.Xin Li李歆.Keding Lu陆克定.Ke Tang唐科.Shuaixi Liang梁帅西.Fanhao Meng孟凡昊.Zhaokun Hu胡肇焜.Pinhua Xie谢品华.Wenqing Liu刘文清.Häsler, R. |
Atmos. Meas. Tech. |
11(2018) |
4531-4543 |
2018-7 |
33 |
EI收录 |
基于差分吸收激光雷达和数值模式探测杭州夏季臭氧分布 |
项衍;刘建国;张天舒;范广强;孙新会;吕立慧 |
光学精密工程 |
26(08) |
046-051 |
2018-8-5 |
35 |
EI收录 |
一种高线色散率测温激光雷达双光栅光谱仪 |
刘洋,张天舒,赵雪松,钟刘军,付毅宾,陈臻懿,董云升 |
中国激光 |
45(9) |
0505001 |
2018-9 |
36 |
EI收录 |
高精度测温拉曼激光雷达光谱仪的光学设计 |
刘洋,张天舒,赵雪松,项衍,邓潘,吕立慧 |
光学精密工程 |
26(08) |
1904-1909 |
2018.8 |
37 |
EI收录 |
低盲区杂散光对激光雷达系统信号质量的影响 |
刘洋,张天舒,项衍,钟刘军,付毅宾,郑朝阳,吕立慧 |
中国激光 |
45(5) |
505001 |
2018.5 |
39 |
SCI收录 |
调谐激光吸收光谱波长偏移修正算法研究 |
唐七星,张玉钧,陈东 张恺,何莹,尤坤,刘国华,鲁一冰,范博强,余冬琪 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(11) |
3328-3333 |
2018.11.1 |
40 |
EI收录 |
一种单光谱吸收积分吸光度快速计算方法及应用 |
鲁一冰,刘文清,张玉钧,张 恺,余冬琪 |
光学学报 |
38(12) |
1214001 1-8 |
2018.12.1 |
41 |
A FTS system for on-line analysis of the raw materials of cement |
Rong Hu胡荣, Liang Xu徐亮, Wenqing Liu刘文清, Jianguo Liu刘建国, Ling Jin金岭,Weifeng Yang杨伟峰,Yuhao Wang王钰豪 |
FT4B.5 |
1月2日 |
2018.7.10 |
42 |
Observations and source investigations of the boundary layer bromine monoxide (BrO) in the Ny-Ålesund Arctic |
Yuhan Luo罗宇涵, Fuqi Si司福祺, Haijin Zhou周海金, Ke Dou窦科, Yi Liu刘毅, and Wenqing Liu刘文清 |
Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics |
18(13) |
9789-9801 |
2018.7 |
43 |
SCI收录 |
Preflight Calibration of the Chinese Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI) |
MinJie Zhao赵敏杰, FuQi Si司福祺, HaiJin Zhou周海金, ShiMei Wang汪世美, Yu Jiang江宇, WenQing Liu刘文清 |
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) |
11 |
5403-5419 |
2018.9 |
45 |
SCI收录 |
星载铝漫反射板光谱特性测量研究 |
常振;赵敏杰;王煜;司福祺;周海金;刘文清 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(4) |
997-1000 |
2018.4 |
49 |
EI收录 |
基于时域荧光寿命的水体溶解氧浓度检测方法 |
涂梦迪,殷高方,赵南京,覃志松,王翔,董鸣,刘建国,刘文清 |
光学学报 |
38(10) |
1001005(1-6) |
2018.1 |
50 |
SCI收录 |
不同土壤物理性质下石油类污染物LIF发射特征研究 |
王翔,赵南京,俞志敏,孟德硕,肖雪,马明俊,杨瑞芳,黄尧,刘建国 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(11) |
3541-3545 |
2018.11 |
51 |
SCI收录 |
Online calibration of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for detection of heavy metals in water |
贾尧,赵南京,方丽,马明俊,孟德硕,殷高方,刘建国,刘文清 |
Plasma Science and Technology |
20(095503) |
131-136 |
2018.9 |
52 |
EI收录 |
基于偏振分辨LIBS技术的土壤重金属检测研究 |
余洋,赵南京,孟德硕,马明俊,兰智高 |
中国激光 |
45(8) |
811001 |
2018.8 |
53 |
EI收录 |
基于光合电子传递速率的浮游植物初级生产力测量 |
陈双,殷高方,赵南京,覃志松,张小玲,甘婷婷,刘建国,刘文清 |
光学学报 |
38(11) |
1126001 |
2018.11 |
54 |
Tropospheric NO2, SO2, and
HCHO over the East China Sea, using |
谭伟,刘诚,王珊珊,邢承志,苏文静,张成昕,夏从紫,刘浩然,蔡兆男,刘建国 |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., |
18 |
15387–15402 |
2018.1 |
55 |
Ozone seasonal evolution and
photochemical production regime in |
孙友文, 刘诚, Mathias Palm, Corinne Vigouroux, Justus Notholt, 胡启后, Nicholas Jones,王薇, 苏文静, 张文强, 单昌功,田园,徐兴伟, Martine De Mazière,周敏强, 刘建国 |
Atmos. Chem. Phys., |
18 |
14569–14583 |
2018.1 |
56 |
SCI收录 |
Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trend of Tropospheric NO2 over the Wanjiang City Belt of China |
谢宇,王薇,王庆龙 |
Advances in Meteorology |
2018 |
001-013 |
2018.12 |
57 |
EI收录 |
中空型平板波导红外光谱仪的波长定标 |
吴越,刘家祥,方勇华,杨敏 |
光学学报 |
38(11) |
1130002 |
2018.11.1 |
58 |
The Influence of Instrumental Line Shape Degradation on the Partial Columns of O 3 , CO, CH 4 and N 2 O Derived from High-Resolution FTIR spectrometr |
孙友文,刘诚,Kalok Chan, 王薇, 单昌功,胡启后,刘建国 |
Remote Sensing |
2018.10.2041 |
001-015 |
2018.12 |
59 |
A dual dynamic chamber system based on IBBCEAS for measuring fluxes of nitrous acid in agricultural fields in the North China Plain |
Ke Tang唐科, Min Qin秦敏, Jun Duan段俊, Wu Fang方武, Fanhao Meng孟凡昊, Shuaixi Liang梁帅西, Pinhua Xie谢品华, JianguoLiu刘建国, Wenqing Liu刘文清, Chaoyang Xue薛朝阳 |
Atmospheric Environment |
196(2019) |
010-019 |
2018.1 |
60 |
Development of stripping coil-ion chromatograph method and intercomparison with CEAS and LOPAP to measure atmospheric HONO |
Chaoyang Xue薛朝阳, Can Ye叶灿, Zhuobiao Ma马卓标, Pengfei Liu刘鹏飞, Yuanyuan Zhang张媛媛, Chenglong Zhang张成龙, Ke Tang唐科, Wenqian Zhang张文倩, Xiaoxi Zhao赵晓希 |
Science of the Total Environment |
646(2019) |
187-195 |
2018.1 |
61 |
Development of an incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer for measurements of ambient glyoxal and NO2 in a polluted urban environment |
Shuaixi Liang梁帅西, Min Qin秦敏, Pinhua Xie谢品华, Jun Duan段俊, Wu Fang方武,等 |
Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss. |
网络出版 |
2018.12 |
62 |
Development of a Dew/Frost Point Temperature Sensor Based on Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy and Its Application in a Cryogenic Wind Tunnel |
Wei Nie, 聂伟Zhenyu Xu许振宇, Ruifeng Kan,阚瑞峰, Jun Ruan阮俊, Lu Yao, Bin Wang王斌 等 |
Sensors |
VOl.18,No.8 |
2704 |
2018.09 |
64 |
EI收录 |
基于可调谐激光吸收光谱的痕量水汽测量研究 |
臧益鹏,聂伟,许振宇,彭于权,阚瑞峰 |
光学学报 |
第38卷 第11期 |
1130004-1 |
2018.06 |
65 |
EI收录 |
基于中红外吸收光谱技术的燃烧场CO浓度测量研究 |
彭于权,阚瑞峰,许振宇,夏晖晖,聂伟,张步强 |
中国激光 |
Vol.45,No.9 |
0911010-1 |
2018.09 |
66 |
EI收录 |
激光吸收光谱流场诊断技术应用研究与进展 |
阚瑞峰,夏晖晖,许振宇,姚路,阮俊,范雪丽 |
中国激光 |
Vol.45,No.9 |
0911005-1 |
2018.09 |
67 |
EI收录 |
可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱技术的应用研究进展 |
聂伟,阚瑞峰,杨晨光,陈祥,许振宇,刘文清 |
中国激光 |
Vol.45,No.9 |
0911010-1 |
2018.09 |
68 |
EI收录 |
吸收光谱法冲压发动机隔离段来流质量的流量测量 |
许超,王辽,钟晨光,阚瑞峰,许振宇 |
光学精密工程 |
Vol.26,No.8 |
1888-1895 |
2018.08 |
69 |
EI收录 |
可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱技术测量低温流场水汽露点温度 |
聂伟 ,许振宇,阚瑞峰 ,阮俊,姚路,王斌,张步强 等 |
光学精密工程 |
Vol.26,No.8 |
1862-1869 |
2018.08 |
70 |
Number Size Distribution of
Atmospheric Particles in a suburban |
Peng Du 杜鹏, Huaqiao Gui桂华侨, Jiaoshi Zhang张礁石, Jianguo Liu 刘建国, Tongzhu Yu 余同柱, Jie Wang 王杰, Yin Cheng 程寅, Zongbo Shi 时宗波 |
Atmospheric Environment |
186 |
32-44 |
2018.08.1 |
72 |
SCI收录 |
Design and Evaluation of an Aerosol Electrometer with Low Noise and a Wide Dynamic Range |
Yang Yixin 杨义新, Yu Tongzhu 余同柱, Zhang Jiaoshi 张礁石, Wang Wenyu 王文誉, Gui Huaqiao 桂华侨, Du Peng 杜鹏, Liu Jianguo刘建国 |
18(5) |
1614 |
2018.5.18 |
73 |
SCI收录 |
On the Performance of an Aerosol Electrometer with Enhanced Detection Limit |
Yixin Yang 杨义新,Tongzhu Yu 余同柱,Jiaoshi Zhang 张礁石,Jian Wang 王健,Wenyu Wang 王文誉,Huaqiao Gui 桂华侨 ,Jianguo Liu 刘建国 |
18(11) |
3889 |
2018.11.12 |
77 |
SCI收录 |
Design and evaluation of a unipolar aerosol particle charger with built-in electrostatic precipitator |
Tongzhu Yu 余同柱, Yixin Yang 杨义新, Jianguo Liu 刘建国, Huaqiao Gui 桂华侨, Jiaoshi Zhang 张礁石,Yin Cheng 程寅, Peng Du 杜鹏, Jie Wang 王杰, Wenyu Wang 王文誉 & Huanqin 王焕钦 Wang |
Instrumentation Science & Technology |
46(3) |
326-347 |
2018.6.1 |
78 |
SCI收录 |
A wide dynamic range and high resolution all-fiber-optic turbidity measurement system based on single photon detection technique |
Huanqin Wang 王焕钦,Juntao Hu 胡俊涛, Wei Wan 万伟, Huaqiao Gui 桂华侨, Feihu Qin 秦飞虎,Fajun Yu 虞发军, Jianguo Liu 刘建国,Liang Lü 吕亮 |
134 |
820-824 |
2018/12/3 |
79 |
Effect of Aerosol Loading on Separation Performance of PM2.5 Cyclone Separators |
Chih-Wei Lin, Ting-Ju Chen,
Sheng-Hsiu Huang, Yu-Mei Kuo, Hua-Qiao Gui 桂华侨, |
Aerosol and Air Quality Research |
18(6) |
1366–1374 |
2018/6/1 |
82 |
近红外混叠吸收线光谱解析及线强测量方法研究 |
贾巍, 何莹, 张玉钧 , 刘建国, 刘文清, 王敏, 张润梅 |
红外与毫米波学报 |
73(1) |
106-111 |
2018/2/1 |
83 |
改进阈值提升小波和自适应滤波器的开放光路红外光谱去噪 |
鞠薇,鲁昌华,张玉钧,蒋薇薇,汪济洲,鲁一冰 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(6) |
1684-1690 |
Jun-18 |
86 |
SCI收录 |
Automatic baseline correction method for the open-path Fourier transform infrared spectra by using simple iterative averaging |
Xianchun Shen沈先春, Liang Xu徐亮, Shubin Ye叶树彬, Rong Hu胡荣, Ling Jin金岭, Hanyang Xu徐寒杨, and Wenqing Liu刘文清 |
Opt.Express |
Vol. 26, Issue 10 |
pp. A609-A614 |
2018.5 |
88 |
SCI收录 |
vertical distribution characteristics of PM2.5 observed by a mobile vehicle lidar in Tianjin, China |
吕立慧,董云升,张天舒,刘诚,刘文清,谢周清,项衍,张毅,陈臻懿,范广强,张雷波,刘洋,史雨辰,束小文 |
Journal of Meteorological Research |
32(1) |
60-68 |
2018.1 |
89 |
SCI收录 |
基于激光诱导荧光光谱的塑料分类鉴别 |
王翔,赵南京,孟德硕,肖雪,马明俊,杨瑞芳,刘建国,吴克,金杰,俞志敏 |
光电子激光 |
29(3) |
256-263 |
2018.3 |
91 |
星载差分吸收光谱仪噪声分析及处理方法 |
张泉, 黄书华, 田禹泽, 鲁月林, 赵敏杰, 周海金, 赵欣, 王煜, 司福祺 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(9) |
2976-2981 |
2018.9 |
92 |
EI |
基于Kubelka-Munk理论的涂层表面多参量偏振双向反射分布函数模型 |
杨敏,方勇华,吴军,崔方晓,李大成,吴越,王涛 |
光学学报 |
38(1) |
0126002 |
2018/1/1 |
93 |
EI |
基于六参量偏振BRDF模型的地物背景偏振反射特性研究 |
杨敏,方勇华,吴军,崔方晓 |
光学学报 |
38(5) |
0126002 |
2018/5/1 |
94 |
Characterisation of methane variability and trends from near-infrared solar spectra over Hefei, China |
田园,孙友文, 刘诚,王薇,单昌功,徐兴伟,胡启后 |
Atmospheric Environment |
173(2018) |
198–209 |
2018.1 |
95 |
Characterization of urban CO2 column abundance with a portable low resolution spectrometer (PLRS): Comparisons with GOSAT and GEOS-Chem model data |
田园,孙友文, 刘诚,谢品华,陈嘉乐,徐晋,王薇,刘建国 |
Science of the Total Environment |
612(2018) |
1593-1609 |
2018.1 |
96 |
宽带腔增强吸收光谱法测量大气NO2定标方法研究 |
凌六一;韦颖;黄友锐;胡仁志; 谢品华 |
光谱学与光谱分析 |
38(3) |
670-675 |
2018.3 |
99 |
“互联网+”智慧环保生态环境多元感知体系发展研究 |
刘文清,杨靖文,桂华侨,谢品华, 刘锐,卫晋晋; |
中国工程科学 |
2018 (02) |
119-127 |
2018.4 |
100 |
SCI收录 |
污染气体浓度二维空间分布的紫外成像方法 |
张英华; 李昂; 谢品华; 徐晋; 胡肇焜; 吴丰成; 秦敏; 方武; |
光谱学与光谱分析 , |
2018 (05) |
154-158 |
2018.5 |
101 |
SCI收录 |
Long-term observations of tropospheric NO2, SO2 and HCHO by MAX-DOAS in Yangtze River Delta area, China |
Xin Tian田鑫, Pinhua Xie谢品华, Jin Xu徐晋, Ang Li李昂, Yang Wang王杨, Min Qin秦敏, Zhaokun Hu胡肇焜 |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
2018(71) |
207-221 |
2018.3 |
102 |
SCI收录 |
Development of a portable cavity ring down spectroscopy instrument for simultaneous, in situ measurement of NO3 and N2O5 |
Zhiyan Li李治艳, Renzhi Hu胡仁志, Pinhua Xie谢品华, Hao Chen陈浩, Shengyang Wu吴盛阳, Fengyang Wang王凤阳, Yihui Wang王怡慧, Liuyi Ling凌六一, Jianguo Liu刘建国, and Wenqing Liu刘文清 |
26(10) |
433-449 |
2018.4 |
103 |
EI收录 |
合肥市典型交通干道大气苯系物的特征分析 |
孟凡昊,秦敏,梁帅西 |
环境科学 |
39(9) |
4060-4069 |
2018.3 |
104 |
SCI收录 |
A hydroxyl radical detection system using gas expansion and fast gating laser-induced fluorescence techniques |
Hao Chen陈浩, Renzhi Hu胡仁志, Pinhua Xie谢品华, Xingbiao Xing杏兴彪, Liuyi Ling,凌六一 Guoliang Zhu朱国梁, Zhiyan Li李治艳, Fengyang Wang王凤阳, Yihui Wang王怡慧, Jianguo Liu刘建国, Wenqing Liu刘文清 |
Journal of Environmental Sciences |
65(3) |
190-200 |
2018 |
105 |
SCI收录 |
Ground-based MAX-DOAS observations of tropospheric formaldehyde and comparisons with CAMS model at a rural site near Beijing |
Xin Tian田鑫 , Pinhua Xie谢品华 , Jin Xu徐晋 *, Yang Wang 王杨*, Ang Li 李昂, Fengcheng Wu吴丰成 , Zhaokun Hu胡肇焜 , Cheng Liu刘诚, Qiong Zhang张琼 |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics discussion |
网络出版 |
2018.06 |
106 |
SCI收录 |
Study on the Development of Multi Perception System for “Internet Plus” Smart Environmental Protection |
Wenqing Liu刘文清,Jingwen Yang杨靖文, Huaqiao Gui桂华侨, Pinhua Xie谢品华, Rui Liu刘锐, Jinjin Wei卫晋晋 |
Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering |
20(2) |
111-119 |
2018.08 |
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